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November 04, 2016

Introducing Robbot

Introducing Robbot

When you see the Get Started button, tap that and you're in. Buttons can take you straight to Robbie's stories behind the songs, tour info, social media and shop links. Or, ask a question and see if Robbot will answer it. Perhaps you're dying to know about aliens, cucumbers or Maureen.

Look out for the quiz too - there's a very special prize for everyone who manages to complete it.

Have fun!

With The Heavy Entertainment Show just a few hours old, we are very excited to introduce to you another new entry into the world of all things entertaining: Robbot the ChatBot.

Robbot is here to help you explore The Heavy Entertainment Show, keep you updated with the latest news from Robbie and of course, to have some fun.

What is it?

Think of it as halfway between an app and having a chat with Robbie.

You can choose what to do next by tapping buttons, or by typing questions, phrases or words.

To get started, go to from your browser.

Robbot work best in the Facebook Messenger mobile app, but if you don't have that, don't worry, the link will open on the website. You may need to log in with your Facebook account.