The show was the hot ticket of the year back in 2001, and this brilliant film captures Robbie at his swinging best, fulfilling a lifelong ambition to play the songs he had grown up with.
"To sing these songs in a place like this has always been a dream for me," said Robbie, "thank you for making my dream come true.”
Robbie Williams Live At The Albert has gone on to sell over a million copies since its original release six years ago, making it one of the biggest selling DVDs of the past ten years. And now, get ready for this exciting High Definition release, allowing us to see Robbie in all his techni-colour glory.
Totalling over 100 minutes of footage, this incredible Blu-ray/HD DVD release comes complete with a 12-page booklet outlining the DVD content and contains Robbie’s now legendary show in its entirety. With hugely increased capacity and resolution for both picture and audio, these two new formats ensure that, for the very first time, this stunning live film can be seen as it was intended.