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October 26, 2009

Our Competition Winners' Electric Night

Robbie's performance at BBC Electric Proms has received huge applause and fantastic reviews from the press and media and those of you who attended on the night, it truly was an amazing experience for all that were there, and it was also the first chance to hear full tracks from the new album, Reality Killed The Video Star.

A few weeks ago we ran a competition on to give away a pair of tickets to four lucky winners, and part of that prize was also the chance to share their sensational evening with readers of

Read on to check out their tales of the evening:

By Annemarie and Hannah Phillimore

When I had the call to say I had won the tickets I was completely overwhelmed and very excited, I decided that the one person who would love to come was my 19-year-old daughter Hannah.

What a fantastic, amazing, awesome, exciting night! We arrived at the Roundhouse to join the inevitable long queue to see Robbie, collected our tickets and sparkly blue wristbands and there was Fearne Cotton, just waiting in the foyer. This evening was going to be so exclusive, how privileged were we to be part of this very special night. We now joined the queue again and waited for the doors to open, everyone was chatting and friendly, "How did you get tickets?", "Have you seen Robbie before?" Excitement rose as the doors opened and we made our way into the Roundhouse; a quick dash to the loo, we got rid of coats, we needed to get a good position.

On entering the main space we were overwhelmed; what a fantastic venue, we were going to be close, closer than I could ever have imagined. I have seen Robbie before at Knebworth, in Paris and at Roundhay Park but had to rely on the screens. The atmosphere was building as the clock ticked towards 8pm, celebrities were taking their seats in the circle and everyone was craning their necks and whispering: "Ant and Dec", "Will Young", "James Corden" and then there was us.

The lights dimmed and the orchestra struck the first chords of Bodies and the opera singer began, the crowd was ecstatic and chanting "Robbie, Robbie!". Then he appeared at the top of the steps, looking incredible, the crowd went wild with applause, Robbie was back! How we have all missed him.

We sang along to all the songs we knew, Come Undone brought the house down and I had by now almost lost my voice, it has to be one of my favourites. Robbie appeared to be totally relaxed and enjoying the whole thing, he is always so humble, apologising because we didn’t know the songs. We soon will, they were all excellent, I can’t wait for the album, no 'growers' amongst them.
I felt sorry for his girlfriend when he spoke about her, one thousand jealous eyes on you must be unnerving, but so pleased he is happy.

Singing Angels with Hannah once again made me cry, it was very special to share it with her. We both had the best time ever and Robbie needs to know that he brings so much pleasure and happiness to so many. It's always a truly memorable experience to see him perform.
Robbie we love you, tour soon.

By Nicki Cuffaro

WOW! Robbie at The Electric Proms was AMAZING! What a comeback gig! He definitely did not disappoint.

Knebworth had been phenomenal back in 2003, the last time I’d seen Robbie live at the very back of 125ꯠ people. It was a complete privilege to win this competition and go from his biggest ever gigs to potentially the most intimate of his live shows. When I’d got the phone call to tell me I’d won, part of me didn’t believe it – in fact I still wasn’t convinced until the confirmation email came through!
I knew immediately that I ought to take my good friend Lynne, who had attended numerous Take That concerts with me in the past. The next thought on my mind was OMG what am I going to wear????
The day of the Proms, I couldn’t concentrate on the working day, I just wanted to be there! Outfit was now decided...the electric blue dress! I had arranged to meet Lynne in Camden after work and when I arrived I was shocked at the amount of people that had beaten us to it in the queue. Security said that people had camped out over night from 8pm the previous day! This was confirmed by the line of duvets, lilos and various pizza boxes... I picked up our bright blue wristbands, tickets and congratulations letter from the box office and joined the end of the mile long queue to meet Lynne. The couple in front of us told us how they’d heard of Robbie earlier coming over to the gates to chat to the fans in the queue, really nice of him! Everyone was really friendly and in high spirits, excited and apprehensive on how the evening would go; would he sing mostly new songs... What would they be like? Would he sing Angels? Which celebs would be there?

On entering the Roundhouse, we immediately hit the bar before getting a good position. It was amazing! The venue seemed so much smaller than on screen, so intimate, we were more excited now! I couldn’t believe how near to the stage we managed to be, especially not being one of the campers. We were probably ten rows from the front with excellent view of the centre stage.
Bodies!!!! Robbie had arrived, the crowd went wild! We’d been teased by a long intro to the song, urging for him to appear. It truly was amazing to see him in the flesh, back up on the stage where he belongs, confident and pleasing the crowd – as well as looking mature and fantastic! Everyone’s arms were in the air and singing along. Robbie finished the first song and introduced the ‘musical genius', Trevor Horn. He went on to introduce us to some new material, Morning Sun, Deceptacon, You Know Me... mixing with some of the recognised songs Come Undone, Feel, No Regrets, Millennium and, of course, Angels! By special request I called my friend Debra back home during Angels and let her enjoy the live song from her living room!

One of the highlights came when Robbie sang his song Won’t Do That directly to his girlfriend, Ayda, on the balcony above, who we could see singing and dancing above enjoying herself. Being quite a Take That fan as well, it was great to hear him talk about the boys, in particular Gary, and how they’re back to being mates. It was also quite surreal to see the likes of Ant and Dec, James Corden, Fearne Cotton and Will Young also joining in with Robbie’s songs. Were we really in the same room??
Robbie’s final song, the cover of Video Killed The Radio Star, had everyone jumping up and down, a great buzz to end the evening on. On our way out of the venue there were all kinds of media desperate to find out how the performance had been. We had a blue microphone thrown in our faces from a French broadcaster who I thought was asking me about Robbie’s clothes……turned out he wanted to know how ‘close’ we’d been….ooops!
THANK YOU so much for allowing us to be part of such an amazing night!!! Welcome back Robbie Williams!!!!

By Donna Hickin

I was absolutely thrilled and suprised to receive a phone call last week saying I had won a pair of tickets to see Robbie Williams at the Roundhouse on Tuesday evening! Robbie's performance was flawless in my opinion, it was a great balance, introducing his new album with several old favourites too. I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed all of the new material, I can't wait for the album release on the 9th November.

Robbie was just as humorous and entertaining as he has always been and I felt he was very appreciative of his audience. Robbie's girlfriend was there and when he sang one of his new songs aimed at her, she must have felt very special indeed, he sang with great sentiment and sincerity (hard for his fans, but really rather beautiful!). You couldn't fail to be moved by that moment. Robbie's audience loved him, the venue was perfect. I last saw him in Leeds, so this felt far more intimate!
The album seems to be very different from the last one and I truly believe it will do fantastically well. Even if you are not a fan I think this concert showed the real Robbie and anyone that has ever doubted him will surely think again. His talent is unquestionable; Robbie doesn't just sing, he puts on a show. I was very privileged to be there, at an absolutely brilliant and unforgettable evening. He so deseves his success. Robbie has clearly found happiness in his private life and that came across in the new material that we heard on the night. I can't thank you enough for a wonderful evening!