World football keepy-uppy champion Dan Magness is heading up Unicef's 'Keep It Up for Soccer Aid' campaign today as he attempts to set yet another word record… keepy-uppys from Wembley to Old Trafford!
Dan currently holds the record for the longest ever keep-uppy, which he set in 2010, but he's planning to top that with this year's crazy Soccer Aid challenge, which kicks off today.
Head over to to watch him and Soccer Aid co-founder Jonny Wilkes talk about the journey ahead, Robbie and Jonny's recent trip to Mexico and what Soccer Aid is all about.
You too can get involved in 'Keep It Up for Soccer Aid', even if you can't do keep-uppys. Find out how over on Unicef's website.
Fancy giving keepy-uppys a go? Check out Dan Magness' beginner's guide below: